Big companies spend huge dollars on downtown vertical offices that are dead at night and culturally homogenous. Creative startups, underground art, non-profits, and their accompanying diversity are nowhere to be found. Other corporations flee to the suburbs for flat offices that are divorced from the diversity of people and experiences of the city. Small organizations find spaces in the margins that fit their budget. These environments don't foster innovation. It’s time to design how and where we want to work.
The 5M Project will create and foster a range of flexible spaces for different types of work. We strive to collide people who think and do differently, engage in creative activities and events that pull us out of our boxes — access people, ideas, resources, and networks that make us smarter and more effective. Big companies and small organizations focused on innovation understand the power and importance of networked environments that are flexible and connected to the city around them. All that’s missing is a place where they can coexist. A place like 5M.